About Us
Their desire to see America’s most spectacular places led Frank and Audrey Peterman to the heights of Yosemite, the depths of Grand Canyon, the flanks of Mount Denali and the swamps of the Everglades.
Seeing less than a handful of Americans of color among staff and visitors, the Peterman's formed Earthwise Productions, Inc. and channeled their experience into consulting services to help the managers of these spectacular national parks become more inclusive. Since 1995 the company has provided a steady stream of information about the public lands that has helped build a constituency of support among Americans of color. Since 2014 Earthwise has assembled a roster of speakers and trainers who are experts in the fields of climate, outdoor exploration and community revitalization among others. (www.delnsb.com)
Satisfied clients include:
The National Audubon Society
The National Park Service
The Trust for Public Lands
USDA Forest Service
The Wilderness Society
Union of Concerned Scientists